Equivalent Input Noise, or EIN, is a measurement convention used for specifying noise levels in pre-amps. It is expressed in units of dBu or dBV and is quoted as a negative number. Typical values of EIN are in the range of -120 dBu to -129 dBu. EIN is an important consideration for audio interfaces that…
dBFS, or dB relative to full scale, is a metric used in digital audio systems. It’s derived from dB, which compares signal levels, and measures how far a signal’s amplitude is below its peak amplitude. dBFS has practical benefits in digital production environments, allowing calibration to a maximum reference point and helping to ensure sufficient…
Every component in a digital audio production process generates noise, and audio interfaces are no exception. The key contributors to noise in audio interfaces are ADC/DAC processors, pre-amps, and circuitry. Each of these generates noise in unique ways that are important to understand when managing a digital audio workflow.
Every electronic circuit generates noise due to its inherent physical properties and the nature of flowing electric charges. In audio applications, devices like audio interfaces produce noise from the electronic components they’re made from. Such noise is unavoidable, but keeping noise to a minimum is important in an audio workflow.
Analog-to-digital conversion, or ADC, is a fundamental part of the digital audio workflow. Audio interfaces are dedicated devices that specialize in ADC. Although there are various approaches to ADC, they all rely on the process of ‘sampling’. In this article, we’ll look at the basics of sampling, how it works, and the key parameters associated…
One of the main functions of an audio interface is to convert sound from physical instruments or microphones (analog) to a form that computers can process (digital). This is called analog-to-digital conversion, or ADC. It is a necessary part of the digital audio workflow.
In an audio production environment, latency refers to the time taken for an audio signal to travel through and be processed by an audio workflow. Latency matters because when it gets too large it becomes noticeable and hinders the audio production process. Fortunately, a good audio interface can help to reduce latency.